
are you standing(are you stand)

导读 很多人对are you standing,are you stand不是很了解那具体是什么情况呢,现在让我们一起来瞧瞧吧!1、用Do you understand?。2、Doe

很多人对are you standing,are you stand不是很了解那具体是什么情况呢,现在让我们一起来瞧瞧吧!

1、用Do you understand?。

2、Does that make sense for you?也行Do you understand?你明白吗例句;1.Do you understand my question?你明白我的问题吗?2.Do you understand what I said?你明白我说的话吗?3.Do you understand the problem?你明白有什么问题了?Do you understand?Do you understand?哦~Do you understand?。

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